In Memory of






Condolence From: Liz (Drollette) Manning
Condolence: How sad to see an RIP message posted on Loreen's FB page. But am glad it brought my attention to her passing. She was a dear friend in high school and my roommate in college. Her family was wonderful to me. I spent a lot of overnights in their home and got to enjoy Terry, Bobby, and baby Jennifer. Her mom was an inspiration on how to make a house a home and her dad, with his Marine background, was patriotic, loving, protective and funny! They were a joy to be around. Going through "coming of age" with a good friend is a blessing. And for that I am grateful. We managed to stay in touch through the years and although we hadn't been together since her dad's burial service, there was Facebook comments and Christmas cards exchanged to remind us both of that warm friendship that endured. May you rest in peace, my dear friend....
Tuesday November 15, 2016