In Memory of





Condolence From: Lynne Spichiger
Condolence: Our family, the Spichigers, lived next to the Kristoff family for almost 50 years! I babysat for Danny, Jimmy, and Cindy most of my teenage years. The Kristoffs were family to us. Picnics in the backyard, trips to their camp, holiday parties, and just simple sitting on the front porch drinking coffee, eating ice cream sundaes, or just talking. Although I have not lived in Fayetteville for many years, I always visited Cathy when I was in town. Last time I visited, was about two years ago. Cathy was slowing down, but she was still in fine spirits, full of smiles and hugs for me. I loved, and will always love, Cathy and the Kristoffs. My deepest sympathy to the entire family. Best, Lynne Spichiger
Sunday July 23, 2017
Condolence From: Pat Piano
Condolence: Jim, Teresa and family, I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time. Pat Piano
Monday May 08, 2017
Condolence From: Carol Ghebelian
Condolence: Beautiful Cathy always cooked an Italian dinner whenever Oscar and I came to town. We all loved her
Sunday May 07, 2017
Condolence From: Dan Wallace
Condolence: Cindy & Jim - My condolences on your loss. I remember your mother from many school events and IC Church. You, your mom and the family are in my prayers. With sympathy, Dan Wallace
Sunday May 07, 2017
Condolence From: Bob & Kathe Ringham
Condolence: Dear Cindy & Jim & families, We just wanted to say once more how sad we are about your loss. Aunt Cathy was wonderful to all of us; we'll always remember her loving smile. She was a beautiful, wonderful aunt and godmother. Our families have been extremely blessed to have been so close. Our years together will forever be in my memories and heart. All of you will be in our thoughts and prayers always.
Sunday May 07, 2017
Condolence From: Shelly and Al Polge
Condolence: Dear Nan and Leon, So very sorry to learn of the passing of your dear sister/sister-in-law. "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal." From a head stone in Ireland. God Bless.
Saturday May 06, 2017
Condolence From: Cheryl and Tom McCune
Condolence: Our thoughts and prayers to Cindy and Tim, Jim and Theresa and their families! We are all very sad to learn of Aunt Cathy's passing! She was a very loving, beautiful lady and very generous especially to my children and grandchildren. Growing up around the corner from Aunt Cathy, we were all so very close. She will be surely missed!
Friday May 05, 2017
Condolence From: Stephen Valentine
Condolence: On behalf of our Mother Jacqueline Valentine and family. We offer you our heart felt condolences. Cathy and mom were the best of friends. Thoughts and prayers to you all. Stephen J Valentine
Friday May 05, 2017
Condolence From: Patrick Maria Maddy Haar
Condolence: We are very saddened to learn of Aunt Cathy's passing. She was a lovely woman and Pat often spoke fondly of her. She was very good to my daughter Maddy, always remembering her at holidays and birthdays. She will be missed! Love, Maria, Pat, and Maddy Haar
Thursday May 04, 2017